What happens if I relapse after inpatient drug rehab?

Person Staring At A Laptop With A Frowny-Face Bag On Their Head

The fear of relapse is a deeply visceral concern for individuals in recovery. It’s hard to overstate just how deep this terror runs. After all of the time, money, and mental energy that they’ve committed to inpatient drug rehab, the fear of relapse often haunts the psyches as an unconscious fear. It’s a fear that resonates with the constant awareness that the journey to sobriety is a delicate balance. And the specter of returning to the darkness of addiction looms large. This fear is not just about slipping back into substance abuse. It’s also the potential unraveling of the progress, healing, and newfound hope that recovery represents.

It’s a fear born from the knowledge of the power of cravings, the allure of old habits. And the fear of a failure of resolve in the face of life’s challenges. However, it’s also a fear that can serve as a powerful motivator, a reminder of the battles won and the commitment to staying on the path of recovery. It underscores the importance of seeking support, practicing self-care, and nurturing resilience to navigate the complexities of life without falling back into substance use disorder.

You’re better than your lowest moment

But the biggest problem with relapsing is the mistaken belief that all progress is lost if you break your sober streak after inpatient drug rehab. And it’s not. If you don’t read another sentence in this blog, read this: every reason that you had to stay sober the moment before you relapse is true the moment after you relapse. The skills that you learned during inpatient drug rehab still apply.

In fact, in that most vulnerable of times, they’re more useful than ever. Relapsing is never a reason to give up on your recovery. Many people in recovery fear relapse for a simple, but fundamentally incorrect reason. They fear that if they relapse, they’ll be right back to where they were during the worst part of their addiction.

Experiencing a relapse can be disheartening and challenging. But it’s important to remember that relapse does not define your journey in recovery. It can just be a waypoint. A blip in your rearview mirror on your path to sobriety.

What to remember if you relapse

  1. Don’t Be Too Hard on Yourself: Relapse is a common part of the recovery process for many people. It does not mean you’ve failed or that your progress is lost. Be compassionate and forgiving toward yourself.
  2. Reevaluate Your Plan: Review your relapse prevention plan or treatment plan. Consider whether any adjustments or additional resources are needed. It may be beneficial to explore new treatment options or intensify your existing support.
  3. Celebrate Small Victories: Acknowledge and celebrate even small milestones and achievements in your recovery journey. Remember all you’ve accomplished and acknowledge that all of that progress hasn’t been made meaningless by any single mistake. Your victories can boost your confidence and motivation.

What to do if you relapse after inpatient drug rehab

  • Seek Immediate Support: Reach out to your support network, such as a sponsor, therapist, counselor, or a trusted friend or family member. Share your relapse openly and honestly to receive the emotional support you need.
  • Reflect and Learn: Take time to reflect on the circumstances leading to the relapse. Identify triggers, stressors, and situations that may have contributed. This self-awareness can help you develop better coping strategies for the future.
  • Avoid Negative Self-Talk: Avoid the trap of negative self-talk or self-blame. Instead, focus on your commitment to recovery and your willingness to get back on track.
  • Set Realistic Goals: Reevaluate your recovery goals and set achievable, realistic milestones. Break down your long-term goals into smaller, manageable steps to rebuild your confidence.
  • Attend Support Meetings: Continue attending support group meetings, such as Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous, if you were previously involved. These meetings offer valuable peer support and insights.
  • Engage in Self-Care: Prioritize self-care to reduce stress and improve overall well-being. This may include exercise, meditation, a healthy diet, and adequate sleep.
  • Avoid Triggers: Identify and avoid triggers that may have contributed to your relapse. This might involve changes in your daily routine, distancing yourself from certain people, or addressing specific stressors.
  • Stay Accountable: Stay accountable to yourself and your support system. Regular check-ins with a sponsor or therapist can help you stay on track.
  • Stay Committed: Remember why you embarked on the journey to recovery in the first place. Renew your commitment to a healthier, substance-free life and stay focused on your long-term goals.
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Inpatient Drug Rehab Can Help. No Matter Where You On Your Recovery Journey.

Return to where the progress started: Inpatient Drug Rehab

For anyone who is concerned about where to go after relapsing, one option is treatment with the multitude of drug rehab programs at Transformations Care. If you need to detox, or just need to get care immediately, we can help you. Whether this is your first or most recent attempt to get clean, at Transformations Care you’ll receive care from a compassionate staff that will respect your commitment to recovery. It takes a great deal of bravery to admit to a setback and get treatment again. We want to honor that bravery. And at Transformations Care, we’ll make sure that you get the care that you need, no matter how many times you need it. Because you’re worth it.

If you need to make a change, we want to help you.. It might be hard to believe that a different life is within your reach – one without drugs and alcohol. At Transformations Care, we’ve helped enough people get clean and sober to know that this decision can give you the life that you deserve. Everyone deserves this chance and, at Transformation Care, we’re here to make it happen.

 If you’ve been thinking about getting clean and sober, or if you want to work on and strengthen the recovery you already have, it’s never been easier to do it through telehealth. Give us a call at (424) 339-0965, or head over to our contact us page on our website and fill out our 100% confidential information form and a compassionate member of our team will reach out to you.