When you hear the phrase “addiction is a family disease” what comes to mind? Is it that genetics play a part in addiction? Or maybe you think that when one member uses, other family members will be influenced to use too. The phrase is meant to mean that addiction is a family disease because it affects everyone in the family.
Because you care so much about your loved one who’s using and drinking, their actions and the consequences that come with addiction impact the entire family. You may feel responsible for their choices and in turn that could have a serious affect on your mental health.
In some cases you may be enabling them without even realizing it. Maybe you make excuses for their behavior or even give them a place to come and crash. It doesn’t matter if they say that it’s the last time, odds are they are not equipped to handle this alone.
How to Help Your Addicted Loved One
The best way to help your loved one struggling with drug or alcohol abuse is to get them into an in-patient facility (a.k.a. rehab). Rehab is an essential part of a journey to getting clean and sober for good. Be prepared for your loved one to argue that they can get clean on their own, but the truth is — they can’t. They need professional addiction treatment and you need to be able to rely on a treatment team that know what they’re doing.
It’s not your responsibility to get them clean. However; it is your responsibility to steer them in the right direction because you care about them. Rehab is key for your loved one to not only get sober, but to learn their self-worth and begin to heal from years of trauma. Addiction is a disease and with the right care options your loved one can successfully overcome it.
The chances of your loved one staying sober become even stronger with a stable support system. If you’re reading this, odds are you are a very good friend or family member and will be a key part of their healing journey.
What Types of Drug Treatment Work Best?
Rehab for drugs and alcohol are one thing, but finding a program that uses a dual diagnosis approach is another. It’s important that you help your loved one find a treatment center that offers this because it not only diagnoses your loved one with addiction but the facility addresses underlying causes which may be triggering their desire to use. Things like depression, anxiety or even specific trauma that they have gone through can be identified and treated alongside their substance abuse. Learning what can flip the switch in their brain to seek out drugs or alcohol is key in taking that first step to sobriety. To learn more about what your loved one can expect from our dual diagnosis program, click HERE.
Not Your Typical Rehab
At Transformations Care, we’re not your typical drug rehab center. We’re a detox, residential, and outpatient addiction treatment facility in Gardena, CA. (a.k.a. South Bay, California). Here we get down to the real issues and cut through the bullshit that other rehabs pad out their plans with.
With a full continuum of care, we offer detox, residential, partial hospitalization, intensive outpatient, and outpatient programs. With a customized care plan, your loved one will leave with all the tools they need to stay clean and sober for good out in the “real world.” We’re going to transform their way of thinking and can show them that they can still be a bad-ass without using drugs and alcohol.
Staying Clean & Sober With Aftercare
When a client is discharged, it’s important to know that they have the appropriate aftercare available to them should they find themselves at a low point. At Transformations Care center we have daytime outpatient programs as well as nighttime and telehealth aftercare programs.
It’s really important that your loved one get the help they need when they need it. Our nighttime outpatient program is perfect for those who work a 9-5 and don’t have time during the day to seek help. It’s also beneficial for the night owl who maybe stays up naturally.
No matter what happens after your loved one’s treatment ends, we’ll be here to support both you and your loved one as they continue on their path to recovery. Reach out to us today, and we’ll help your addicted loved one transform their life for the better. Call us at 424.339.0965.