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Get Addiction Help: Resources for Workers |
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Get Addiction Help: Resources for Workers

Are you a working individual who day-in day-out gets up, goes to work, comes home, uses or drinks until you fall asleep — only to do it over again the next day? Maybe you’ve considered getting help, but you don’t want to lose your job. You might be so overwhelmed with figuring out how to start, that you push it off to another day. Know you’re not alone! It is possible to get help for addiction and there are multiple resources to help you do just that. All it takes is for you to make the decision to change. Here are just a few resources that can help you get clean and sober.

Recovery Meetings: AA, NA, & Alternatives

Recovery support meetings can get a bad rap. You’ve probably seen TV or movie reenactments of people sitting in a circle, saying their name and sharing solemn stories. It may look totally cheesy on TV, but AA and NA have been around for decades because they work. There are different types of recovery meetings, such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)Narcotics Anonymous (NA), and many other alternatives. Just try a few out and find one you like best. Don’t know where to start? Give us a call and we’ll help find meetings near you (that you’d actually like) and even virtual meetings as well! 

At recovery meetings, you can share your internal struggles in a safe place and meet other people going through the same thing you are. There are meetings at all different times, so you can go before work, after work, and/or on your lunch break! You don’t have to fight this battle on your own, and you can’t fight it alone. Going to one of these meetings could be the change you need to get a new life.

EAPs & Addiction Treatment Programs

For the working person struggling with substance abuse, EAPs are a great resource. An EAP (Employee Assistance Program) is a free program that some companies provide for their employees. You can use your job’s EAP to consult about your struggles with substance abuse. They’ll give you referrals to addiction treatment programs, such as substance abuse counseling, detoxresidential treatment, or IOP (Intensive Outpatient). Maybe your addiction has gotten you into some legal trouble? They’ll even help you find a lawyer. Best of all, none of this will endanger your job. If anything, it’ll help you keep it.

How do you find out more information about your company’s EAP? You can ask your HR rep — and you don’t have to give the reason why you want to speak with the EAP. Once you connect with your EAP, they can help communicate with your HR if you need to take time off from work to go to an addiction treatment program. To learn more about how to use EAP’s for addiction treatment, click HERE.

Get Clean & Sober: Residential Addiction Treatment

While recovery meetings after work and counseling sessions with your EAP may help, they may not be enough for you to kick your addiction and return to work. Residential addiction treatment allows time for you to be away from your drug of choice and to start on your path to recovery. Don’t tell yourself, “I can’t miss work to get help,” — it’s bullshit. Substance abuse is ruining your life and killing you slowly. Without getting the help you need, you won’t be able to work down the line because you’ll either lose your job to your substance, or your life.

Take the time you need to fully heal, before it’s too late. Fact: Your job can’t fire you for taking a leave of absence to get addiction treatment. At Transformations Care, we have both a detox and residential addiction treatment programs to help guide you onto a better path — the path of recovery. If you don’t feel comfortable talking to your HR about your situation, we can help by speaking with them as well. It IS possible to overcome your addiction and finally get clean and sober, but only with the right help. Give us a call at 424.339.0965, and we can recommend resources and help you start your transition to a better life.

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