If you have a spouse or partner in recovery, you understand how important their support meetings are to maintaining their sobriety. But did you know that you deserve support, too? Being in a relationship with an addict or alcoholic is tough, and you might not know exactly how to handle it at times. Dealing with an addict or alcoholic can cause you to feel frustrated, lonely, anxious and depressed. You’re definitely not alone, though, and that’s why there are family and friend support groups specifically for the loved ones of addicts.
In 12 Step meetings or alternative support groups, you can connect and confide in people going through the exact same thing you are. Try out a few different online meetings and see which is the right fit for you.
Being cooped up in quarantine may have even made your spouse’s drinking problem worse. With the pandemic changes, technology has become one of our greatest allies. We now have access to support at the click of a button through apps like Skype, Zoom, FaceTime, What’sApp, Google Meet and much more. These apps make it even more convenient for you to “attend” meetings from the comfort of your own home.
If you are concerned about your partner’s drinking habits or suspect they might have a problem, check out a family support meeting and you may just get your answers. Family support groups can provide you with the community and tools to navigate yourself through an addict’s recovery — no matter where your partner is in their addiction.
So what options do you have and where can you find these meetings? Check out these links and tips for family support meetings below.
Support Groups for Loved Ones of Addicts & Alcoholics:
Al-Anon is a 12-step program that begins with admitting to yourself that having an addicted partner has created issues within your life. It is a spin-off of Alcoholics Anonymous meetings, tailored to the loved ones of addicts. Being in a relationship with or married to an alcoholic can be isolating and scary. With the support of the community, you will no longer be alone in dealing with your addicted spouse. (You don’t have to be married to an alcoholic or addict to go; Al-Anon is for anyone who’s worried about someone’s drinking or drug use.)
Online Meetings: https://al-anon.org/al-anon-meetings/electronic-meetings/
Telephone Meetings: https://al-anon.org/al-anon-meetings/telephone-meetings/
Nar-Anon is a family support meeting that grew out from NA (Narcotics Anonymous). Similar to Al-Anon, it follows the 12 Step guidelines. It focuses on not just family or loved ones of alcoholics, but of drug addicts as well. You can find a virtual meeting in your time zone below.
Online Meetings: https://www.nar-anon.org/virtual-meetings
Families Anonymous:
Families Anonymous is a program created for the loved ones of individuals with addictive behaviors. This can include addictions such as gambling, sex, food, excercise, work, and many more. The meetings can be especially helpful if your spouse or partner has developed a cross addiction — what happens when an addict or alcoholic replaces their original addiction with another substance or obsessive behavior. For more information on whether your partner could have a cross addiction, click here.
Online & Phone Meetings: https://www.familiesanonymous.org/meetings/virtual-meetings/
SMART Recovery Family & Friends:
SMART Recovery is an alternative to groups that follow a 12 Step process. 12 Step fellowships incorporate a “Higher Power” into their recovery process, but SMART Recovery Family & Friends is a non-religious support group for those close to a struggling addict. If your spouse or partner prefers to attend SMART meetings, it may be helpful for you to attend this family meeting as well.
Online Meetings: https://www.smartrecovery.org/community/calendar.php
Alateen, also derived from Alcoholics Anonymous, is a support group specifically for teens with parents or loved ones whose addiction has affected their lives. This group is a great way for your teenager to get the support they need. Keeping your child in the dark about your partner’s addiction can cause anxiety and resentment. They can get help by connecting with others their age and make new friends in the process.
Online Meetings: https://al-anon.org/newcomers/teen-corner-alateen/
Similar to Alateen, Narateen is for teenagers whose lives have been negatively affected by an addicted loved one. The meetings are facilitated by an active member of Nar-Anon. This group can help your kid learn healthy coping skills, and they can attend right from home through the online meetings!
What Do I Do Now?
If you’re unsure if your spouse or partner has an addiction, just try attending an online family support meeting. At the very least, it will help you to understand your partner’s addiction more. For more information on how to approach your loved one about their addiction, click here.
Just like you need to find the right meeting for yourself, you should find the right residential treatment center for your loved one in active addiction. At Transformations Care, we can help your loved one get clean and sober before it’s too late. And as long as they’re alive, it’s never too late for anyone. Once they’re here, you’re family to us, too.
We are more than happy to provide suggestions for you to find family & friend support meetings. If you have any questions or believe your spouse may have a problem, reach out to us today! The longer you wait, the worse the problem will get. Contact us today at 424.339.0965.