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Alcohol and Depression Treatment

Depression is a major mental health disorder that is affecting millions of people around the world. It is much more than just feeling unhappy. Many people who struggle with depression have a difficult time in all aspects of their life. Not only that, but due to depression, many people will self-medicate with alcohol. On the other hand, alcoholism can lead to depression

If you or someone you know needs alcohol and depression treatment, don’t hesitate to reach out to us here at Transformations Care today. 

What Exactly is Depression?

There are different ways that people might define depression. One way is through prolonged periods of loneliness, sadess, worthlessnes, hopelessness, feeling suicidal, being apathetic or not have energy. 

There are also different types of depression. Just about everyone will have at least one period of depression in their life at some point. For some people, though, depression is a problem that continues on for a long time or shows up often. 

While there is still some uncertainty about what causes depressive episodes, some of the causes that have been found include:

  • Environmental 
  • Genetic
  • Personal reasons
  • Grief

As noted above, depressive episodes or the disorder can affect a person’s life in numerous ways such as in their professional and/or personal life.


Learn About the Types of Depression

Therea re numerous types of depression including:

  • Major depressive disorder – often have major depression symptoms that impact the ability to properly function and patient often cycle through the episodes 
  • Persistent depressive disorder – depressed mood generally goes on for 2 years or more (also known as persistent depressive disorder, dysthymia, or long-term low-grade depression)
  • Postpartum depressive disorder – often forms as a result of physical and hormonal changes during or after pregancy 
  • Psychotic depressive disorder – patients often have some type of psychosis and severe depression (usually includes visual and audio hallucinations or delusions)
  • Bipolar disorder – Alternate depression and mania periods (also called manic depression)
  • Seasonal affective disorder – Symptoms usually start later in the fall and go into the winter or beginning of spring months (light therapy often helps with this type of depression)

If you have any type of depressive disorder, our Tranformations Care mental health treatment team is here to help you work through and overcome it starting today. You just need to reach out to us and we can support you from there. 

Connection Between Alcohol and Depressive Disorders

Alcohol and depression are correlated closely. In fact, many people who struggle with depressive episodes, especially those who haven’t been diagnosed properly, usually turn to abusing alcohol in order to escape the way they feel. 

Did you know that about 30 to 40% of those who have an alcohol abuse disorder also struggle with a depressive disorder? Part of the reason for this is that the sedating effects that alcohol has on the body often induce or worsen depressive episodes. While alcohol could temporarily relieve some sadness or other depression symptoms, ultimately, it only makes the depressive disorder worse over time. 

Alcohol is one of the central nervous system depressant drugs. So, it will slow your body down. Research has regularly shown that the more alcohol someone drinsk, the longer they are likely to be depressed. Alcohol abuse also increases the chances that someone will think about or even commit suicide. 

There are many other stressors that alcohol can have on someone’s life, too, such as with their family and/or career. Once someone with a depressive disorder has turned to alcohol, the cycle becomes vicious and is very difficult to overcome, especially on your own. 

The good news is that you aren’t alone. You don’t have to overcome alcohol and depression on your own either. Here at Transformations Care, we are here to help you get the alcohol and depression treatment you need. 

How to Know if You Are Depressed 

Some people don’t even realize they are depressed. Others need to recognize symptoms of depressive disorders before they can admit they need help. Some of the signs that you might be depressed include:

  • Losing interest in previous activities or hobbies you enjoyed
  • Feeling down or sad most of the time
  • Feeling hopeless
  • Not having enough energy no matter what you do
  • Feeling tired all the tim
  • Difficult concentrating on things
  • Low self-esteem
  • Not being as productive as you would like
  • Appetite changes leading to weight gain or loss
  • Sleeing too little or too much 
  • Suicidal tendencies

Do you relate to any of the signs that are noted here today? If so, our Transformations Care team wants to hear from you right away. We don’t want you to feel alone or have to struggle with this by yourself any longer. We have depressive disorder treatment options available for you.

Treatment Options for Depression 

Depressive disorders are a real condition and it can become severe quickly. Sure, there are some people who only experience short-term depression once or twice in their life. However, for other people it can be a true problem that affects numerous aspects of their life including career, personal hobbies, relationships, finances and much more. 

One issue is that many people who struggle with depressive disorders don’t seek help because they see that as a sign of weakness. Our Transformations Care team is here to tell you that you are not alone and you are not weak. We have the treatment options for depression that you need such as outpatient and inpatient programs. We also have medication-assisted treatment, cognitive behavioral therapy, alternative therapies, support group resources and other services that can help you to work through or overcome depression.

If you also have an addiction to alcohol as a result of being depressed or that caused your depression, we have addiction treatment options for you, as well. 

Last, but not least, we have co-occurring disorder treatment options for those who struggle with depressive episodes and alcoholism. If you aren’t sure which treatment you are going to need, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team to find out more about the options that are available to you. 

Get Alcohol and Depression Treatment Today

Even though it may seem that alcoholism and a depressive disorder have ruled your life, it doesn’t have to keep being that way. You are not alone and our team is here to help you through this. 

Contact us today to get the alcohol and depression treatment that you need. 

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