Does Drinking Alcohol Cause You To “Age” Faster?
Many people not in the treatment community think of alcohol as a celebratory beverage that can add some sparkle and fun to our lives. But that’s not the case for people who have seen the danger and destruction that alcohol use and alcohol addiction can reap.
With heavy drinking comes health risks, such as liver diseases, heart and digestive system issues, and dangerous levels of intoxication. One lesser-known risk associated with alcohol is aging effects. Can alcohol really cause us to age faster?
In this post below, we will explore how drinking affects the body and how it can lead to premature aging. We’ll also discuss lifestyle changes one can make to avoid these risks and other related health problems. Read on to learn more about the relationship between alcohol and aging, and how you can avoid aging prematurely.
What Are The Effects Of Alcohol On The Body?

Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant that is rapidly absorbed from the stomach and small intestine. Alcohol is metabolized in the liver and its effects are felt within minutes. The effects of alcohol depend on the amount consumed, the individual’s weight and body fat percentage, and whether food was consumed with the alcohol.
Generally, the effects of alcohol peak within 30-60 minutes and can last for several hours.
The most common effect of moderate alcohol consumption is feeling relaxed and less inhibited. Other effects, especially when drinking excessively, include:
- Slurred speech
- Drowsiness
- Impaired coordination
- Reduced reaction time
- Increased urination
- Vision problems
- Anxiety
- Nausea and vomiting (especially when drinking on an empty stomach)
The long-term effects of excessive alcohol intake can have serious health consequences. These include:
- liver damage
- pancreatitis
- various types of cancer
- brain damage
- nutritional deficiencies
- and psychiatric disorders
Can Alcohol Damage Your Health?
Most people are aware that drinking too much alcohol can damage their health. However, many people do not realize that even moderate drinking can have negative effects on their health. Drinking alcohol can cause a number of different health problems, including liver disease, heart disease, and cancer. It can also lead to problems with mental health, such as depression and anxiety. Additionally, alcohol can interfere with the body’s ability to absorb nutrients and vitamins, which can lead to deficiencies.
In general, the more alcohol you drink, the greater the risk to your health. However, there are other factors that can affect how much damage alcohol does to your body. For example, your age, weight, and overall health can all play a role in how well your body handles alcohol. Additionally, drinking alcohol on an empty stomach can make the effects of alcohol more potent and increase the risk of developing health problems.
If you are concerned about the effects of alcohol on your health, it is important to talk to your doctor or a qualified medical professional. They will be able to assess your individual risks and advise you on the best way to protect your health.
Does Alcohol Cause Aging Effects?
There is a lot of debate surrounding the effects of alcohol on aging. Some people believe that alcohol can cause accelerated aging, while others maintain that moderate drinking can actually have protective effects. So, what does the science say?
There is some evidence to suggest that alcohol can cause premature aging. A study in the journal Alcohol Research and Health found that people who abuse alcohol tend to have higher levels of oxidative stress, which can damage cells and lead to premature aging. They concluded, “Chronic alcohol consumption, as well as chronic glucocorticoid exposure, can result in premature and/or exaggerated aging.”
Additionally, alcohol consumption has been linked to an increased risk of developing wrinkles.
However, it’s important to keep in mind that these studies typically involve heavy drinkers. Moderate drinkers may actually experience some anti-aging benefits from alcohol. For example, one study found that moderate drinkers had a lower risk of developing dementia than those who abstained from alcohol altogether. Additionally, red wine contains antioxidants which can help protect cells from damage.
So, while there is some evidence to suggest that alcohol can cause premature aging, this is typically only the case for heavy drinkers. Moderate drinkers may actually enjoy some anti-aging benefits from their alcoholic beverages of choice.
How Can You Prevent Aging Effects From Alcohol?
There are a few things you can do to help prevent aging effects from alcohol.
First, drink in moderation. This means no more than one drink per day for women and two drinks per day for men.
Second, make sure you’re drinking high-quality alcohol. These types of alcohol may cause less damage to your body over time.
Finally, eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly. This will help keep your body strong and resilient, which can help prevent the effects of aging from alcohol.
Alternatively, don’t drink at all. Alcohol consumption comes with many risks, and the best way to protect yourself is probably just to abstain.
Need Help Finding Treatment For An Alcohol Addiction? We’re Here To Help
In conclusion, we can see that alcohol does have some effects on the aging process.
Alcohol consumption has been linked to a number of physical and mental health issues, as well as an increased risk of certain diseases. If you choose to drink alcohol, it is important to do so in moderation and make sure that you are aware of potential risks associated with excessive drinking.
Understanding the effects of alcohol on your body will help you make informed decisions when it comes to your health and wellbeing now and in the future.
If you think you might have an addition— or someone you know and love does— you can always give us a call at (424) 339-0965 to discuss further steps and treatment options.