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Are Depression And Anxiety Meds Addictive?

Depression and anxiety are two of the most common mental health disorders in the world, affecting millions of people worldwide. While therapy is an essential part of treatment for these conditions, many individuals also rely on medication to help manage their symptoms.  However, with concerns over addiction and dependence on prescription drugs growing by the […]

What Is Dual-Diagnosis Treatment? Why Do I Need It?

Are you or someone you know struggling with both substance abuse and a mental health disorder? You’re not alone. In fact, it’s estimated that nearly half of those who struggle with addiction also have a co-occurring mental health issue.  This is known as dual-diagnosis, and it requires specialized treatment to address both conditions at once. […]

How Do I Know If I Have PTSD or Anxiety?

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Anxiety disorders, including PTSD, can have a profound effect on quality of life. Not only for the person suffering from these conditions, but for the people who care about them most. But, how do you know if you have PTSD or anxiety? This article from Transformations Care will help you better understand these conditions, learn […]

Can You Stop Taking Ambien Cold Turkey

Can You Stop Taking Ambien Cold Turkey? Here Are Some Answers Many people rely on prescription drugs like Ambien to help them sleep or cope with anxiety and stress. But most people don’t realize the dangers associated with taking Ambien.  Taking Ambien for too long can lead to physical dependence, making it hard to stop […]

Outpatient Vs. Inpatient Rehab

Is Inpatient or Outpatient Rehab Right For You? When it comes to drug and alcohol rehab, there are two main types of programs: outpatient and inpatient, with some designations therein as well. Both have their own set of benefits and drawbacks, so it’s important to understand the difference between the two before making a decision […]