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Season 3 Episode 3: Suzanne | Transformations Recovery Podcast!


In season 3 episode 3 Roman and Cecily sit down with Suzanne, a marriage and family therapist and sober alcoholic. She discusses how she has handled heartbreak in sobriety and the struggle of processing sexual assault. “I didn’t know that you could navigate life just pretending like it never happened. Well this rocked my world, […]

Season 3 Episode 2: Liz aka Alex | Transformations Recovery Podcast!


In season 3 episode 2 of the Transformations Recovery Podcast Roman and Cecily talk with Liz, aka Alex, about the West Virginia pill boom of the mid 2000’s, aliens, and being a young heroin addict and sex worker who made it out alive.  “It went from like- everyone’s doing Oxys and Opanas to like, the […]

Episode 1: Travel Sober! | Transformations Recovery Podcast!


Happy Holidays! Enjoy our bonus Travel Sober! episode. Roman, Cecily and Daniel talk world travel in sobriety. Visit Daniel’s tattoo shop Check out Daniels recovery residence here: Please email us with questions or comments at Visit our website Become our Patreon on Patreon!

Season 2 Episode 1: Daniel | Transformations Recovery Podcast!


On today’s episode Roman and Cecily talk with Daniel Werder, owner of Boartooth Tattoo and RAD Living sober house in Sherman Oaks CA. He is a tattoo artist who has toured the world tattooing, and an OG b-boy break dancer, all thanks to getting sober at 19. Check out Daniel’s tattoo shop at Visit the […]

Season 2 Episode 1: Russel | Transformations Recovery Podcast!


Roman and Cecily meet up with Russel, an advocate of positive thinking, a mentor and motivational speaker, and a survivor of an accident that left him paralyzed from the neck down. Russel is a mentor and motivational speaker who specializes in helping newly paralyzed people through the Triumph Foundation. Check them out here: Russel also […]

Season 2 Episode 1: Scotty Schmidt | Transformations Recovery Podcast!


Roman and Cecily hang out with Scotty Schmidt aka William S. Hayes. Career thief, skateboarder, and author. Check out his new book “A Burden of Concrete” released by Punk Hostage Press “Even before I’d gotten into it I wanted to be perceived as that dude. You know what I mean? That crazy kinda guy who’s […]

Season 2 Episode 4: Zach | Transformations Recovery Podcast!


Roman visits Zach on episode 4 of season 2. Zach is a recovering fentanyl addict, former drug dealer, and sexual assault survivor. “One of my favorite things about just being sober is… now there’s people that don’t even know me for who I was… I used to, you know, I ‘accidentally’ ran guns when I […]

Season 2 Episode 1: Danielle | Transformations Recovery Podcast!


Roman and Cecily sit down with Danielle, OG skater, punk rocker, and addict in recovery. Danielle chronicles her experiences navigating the streets as a young Butch woman doing crime, skating, finding punk rock, and falling in love in LA in the 80s and 90s.  “They put me with another Butch woman, her name was Cindy […]

Season 2 Episode 1: Jack Grisham | Transformations Recovery Podcast!


Roman and Cecily visit T.S.O.L. singer Jack Grisham at his home in LA to talk long-term sobriety, artistic pursuits, touring while sober, and religion. “You know, it was crazy. And I’d been doing shit since I was a kid… I ran off with a carny! My family didn’t even look for me. And I asked […]

Season 2 Episode 1: Sean Romin | Transformations Recovery Podcast


Welcome back! In the season 2 premiere our host Roman Cooper is at it again talking homelessness, punk rock, and substance abuse counseling with Sean Romin. Born to a hippy mother who was friends with members of the Manson Family in Southern California, Sean Romin has gone from young drug addict to homeless outreach advocate […]