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Is Drug Rehab Supported By Labor Unions?

Has the stress of work been causing you to drink or use drugs more? Transformations Care is here to tell you that you’re not alone and you can overcome your addiction — while keeping your job. Unions are a helpful resource for working professionals who are struggling with mental health and/or addiction, and they can help you get the addiction treatment you need to finally get clean and sober.

What’s a Labor Union?

A labor union is an organized group of workers in the same trade that helps protect and pursue workers rights. They help employees with issues such as negotiating fair wage, hours, and more. These rights include the right to get addiction treatment without losing your job. Here are just a few of the many types of unions available:




Construction workers



Office workers


Factory workers

And so much more

How Can a Labor Union Help Me With My Addiction?

Wake up, use, go to work, use, pass out. Sound familiar? If you’re trapped in the vicious cycle of substance abuse, your labor union can help you with the following resources.

Better Healthcare Coverage. 

Many unions offer healthcare coverage for their workers. Because this coverage is union-negotiated, these health plans typically offer more coverage than consumer plans, which could make addiction treatment more affordable for you.

Trusted Treatment Referrals 

Unions also can refer you to addiction treatment facilities – such as Transformations Care – that can help you get clean and sober, and stay clean and sober. At Transformations Care, we treat addiction as well as the underlying mental health issues that cause it.

Addiction Advice 

Let’s be real. You’ve probably been hiding your addiction from work and your loved ones as well. Keeping a secret that huge is a heavy burden. First, know you’re not alone. (At Transformations Care, we understand the frustration that comes with addiction because we’ve been there too!) When you feel like you have no one to turn to, unions can give you advice on any matters affecting your work. For example, did you fail your last drug test, or you’re worried you’ll fail the next one? You can get advice from your union, or give us a call.

Job Security & Addiction

Unions are a great resource for you to learn more about your rights as a worker, including the right to take a leave of absence from work to go to a residential addiction treatment program. In most cases, it’s illegal for your work to fire you if you’re struggling with substance abuse and your union can make sure your rights are being upheld.

Getting Help For Addiction

Not part of a union or have questions about how you can use a labor union as a resource? Give us a call today and we can not only help you find a union to join, but we’ll also provide you with advice so you can get addiction treatment and not lose your job. You know your substance use is affecting your work, so don’t put off getting help. Give us a call today at 424.339.0965 and you’ll be back to work thriving in no time.

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