Taking care of yourself and your sobriety during the coronavirus pandemic is a serious struggle. As addicts and alcoholics this period of isolation and social distancing can easily wreak havoc on any recovery foundation.
Below are a list of tips and reminders to help you to stay calm, grounded, and most importantly, sober during these uncertain times, from Transformations Care team member Charleen Meyer, LMFT, ATR.
Create. Journaling or art journaling is a great tool to get feelings about the virus out. Through art and creation, we can process feelings and better understand them. In the future, we will be able to reflect on these creations to celebrate our resiliency – because we ARE resilient.
Move. Exercise is a #1 way to reduce stress and get those good endorphins flowing. If we are homebound, there are so many fitness instructors on social media (gym owners, dance instructors, yoga instructors) whose gyms and studios had to close. They are now offering free classes on their social media platforms or YouTube channels. If you have kids, involve them! Create obstacle courses or engage in nerf gun wars. Get creative and get moving!
Pray & Meditate. Get grounded & centered, connect with your higher power, connect with faith. Step 11 is so crucial during these times. Remember that we are no longer running the show. Ask your higher power everyday what you can do to be useful to others.
Stay in Routines. It can be so easy for your routine to get out of whack when there is nowhere to go; if you are working from home – follow your same routines. Shower in the morning, do your daily exercise, eat your meals and go to bed the same time as you normally would. Remember to HALT (Hungry? Angry? Lonely? Tired?) self-care during the day to avoid these extremes is essential.
Connect. Phone calls, virtual meetups, Zoom, Facetime, Google Duo. Social distancing requires physical distance – not emotional distance. Now is the time to connect with loved ones; check up on your neighbors, friends and family members. Attend virtual AA or NA meetings or listen to meeting or speaker podcasts.
Donate. Donate to community members or food banks, go grocery shopping for an elderly or immunocompromised neighbor or friend. Offer an uplifting message to someone who is struggling. Remember; they are ultimately helping you more than you are helping them
Limit Your Intake. Of the news that is. Tempted to check for the latest Coronavirus update every 5 minutes? Knowledge is power but, in this case, too much can really take a toll on your anxiety and mental health. Devote only a half hour every night to a news program or website. Get the information you need and then log off.
With these tools and tips in mind we can weather this storm together and stay sober and sane. Serenity is at your fingertips – keep updated on our Facebook and Instagram for when our latest online NA or AA meetings are.
Or if you miss a meeting, listen to an episode of our podcast where we talk to members of the recovery community.
If you are struggling and need someone to talk to give us a call and get the help you need today: (424) 339-0965