Transformations Care

Intensive Outpatient Program for Mental Health in Los Angeles, California

What is a Mental Health IOP? | Intensive Outpatient Program

An Intensive Outpatient Program is just what it sounds like. It is an intensive form of mental health outpatient treatment. Clients participating in an IOP have the freedom to return to daily living while still getting treatment for depression, anxiety,

PTSD or another mental health disorder. IOP clients only visit the treatment facility for scheduled therapy sessions. For most, the Mental Health IOP will be a less intensive step down from our PHP for mental health . Mental health IOP can opt to stay in supportive housing, if they wish. There are a few reasons why someone might go that route.

One, if you’re not local it’s much more practical and cost-effective than staying at a hotel. But, even if you are local, or from California anyway, you might just benefit from getting out of your usual home environment for a while.

This all depends on your unique set of circumstances of course and it’s a personal choice. We encourage you to be honest in your assessment of your own situation and needs and ask us for advice when deciding where to stay during IOP.

Ideally, a candidate for our mental health IOP will have already completed some form of more intensive mental health treatment (like our Partial Hospitalization Program for mental health) but this depends on the individual. Some people may begin at the IOP level of care.

Intensive Outpatient Program

The Levels of Care at Transformations Care:

  1. Partial Hospitalization Program for mental health (PHP)
  2. Intensive Outpatient Program for mental health (IOP)
  3. Outpatient Therapy (either in person or remote, usually 1x week)

What’s the Difference Between PHP and Intensive Outpatient Program for Mental Health?

The main difference between our Partial Hospitalization and Intensive Outpatient Program is the time spent in treatment each week. The Partial Hospitalization Program is still essentially full-time meaning they require 5 days a week at 6-8 hours per day. You can’t attend PHP and do much else, you’re still very much “in treatment”.

An Intensive Outpatient Program is more like part-time and usually means no more than 15-20 hours per week spent in treatment. PHP is a higher level of care. Most people will start with PHP, then go on to IOP and finally outpatient mental health treatment for about 60-90 minutes, once a week.

Similarities Between Mental Health PHP and Mental Health Intensive Outpatient Program

Partial Hospitalization and Intensive Outpatient Programs for mental health have lots in common. Both are outpatient treatment, meaning clients do not sleep at our Los Angeles mental health treatment center overnight. Because PHPs and IOPs grant this freedom, both are also considered useful step-down programs after residential/inpatient mental health treatment (if that is required). 

Intensive Outpatient Program

Services offered through Partial Hospitalization and Intensive Outpatient Programs are very similar. Individual and group therapy sessions are the main focus of these programs. The goal of each program is to make sure mental health disorders are properly diagnosed and treated. Another goal is to help clients make breakthroughs not possible in conventional once a week outpatient therapy.

Which Program is Right for You?

Lucky for you, we offer all of the above. You don’t need to choose between PHP or IOP. The best thing to do is start at the top. Give us a call. We’ll do a thorough phone evaluation and see what type of help you really need and we will work out a treatment plan that makes sense for you.

How Long is the Whole Transformations Care Program?

The length of stay at our Los Angeles mental health treatment center varies. How long someone attends the program depends on how much help they need and how much time they can commit to their mental health care.

Naturally. we recommend you follow the suggestions of our clinicians when it comes to this, but we can accommodate people with busy lives and hectic schedules too. The most important thing is that you don’t deny yourself or your loved one the mental health help they need and deserve. We suggest keeping an open mind and remember you can’t get “too much help” for a problem.

Intensive Outpatient Program

No one ever went to depression treatment in LA and wished they had gotten less help and less therapy. But, people have decided to get less help than they really needed, or even left against medical advice (AMA) only to regret it later.

Your insurance company also has some say in your length of stay too, of course, but part of our job is to go to bat with them for you and we are very good at that. We will make the case for continued treatment for you each week if we think it’s what’s best for you and you’re willing.  We will always recommend a length of stay that meets your needs and fits your means. Ultimately the decision is up to you how long to stay (as long as your insurance is on board).

Intensive Outpatient Program at Transformations Care

The Transformations Care mental health treatment program has everything you need in one place. We can diagnose and treat mental health disorders and help you develop the tools you need to continue making progress long after treatment is over.

Intensive Outpatient Program
  • Comprehensive mental health care in one program. PHP, IOP and OP.
  • Transformation Care’s partnered supportive living homes.
  • Holistic mental health treatment, including soul nourishing art therapy and wellness activities.
  • Practical, evidence-based mental health care modalities like CBT and DBT.
  • Complete outpatient support, aftercare planning and guidance.
  • Strong support from your new alumni family

Get Well at Transformations Care

Transformations Care is a comprehensive mental health treatment program in Los Angeles. We don’t farm anything out or phone anything in. We do everything in-house from our mental health partial hospitalization program to IOP and outpatient. Our program is honest, holistic, evidence-based and comprehensive. We’ve got everything you need to get the upper hand on your mental health disorder and live a happier more fulfilling life.

Transformation Care Mental Health Treatment Program features:

It’s Time for Transformations Care. | Intensive Outpatient Program

If you’re ready for real relief from depression, anxiety, PTSD, BPD or just about any other mental health challenge, Transformations Care is ready to help with Intensive Outpatient Program. But, action always speaks louder than words. Take action now and pick up the phone and together we can start transforming your life, together.

Transformations Care can pick you up from any local address, airport, train or bus station. Once you get to our facility you will feel right at home. Your orientation and tour will show all we have to offer. We’ll also conduct some further assessments to better get to know you and formulate your unique, individualized mental health treatment plan. Take a deep breath You or your loved one are in good hands at Transformations Care with Intensive Outpatient Program.

The admissions process at Transformations Care is easy:

  • Call us at (424) 339-0965 for an insurance check.
  • Complete a pre-admission phone screening with us.
  • Get clinical approval for admission to Transformations Care (we won’t leave you hanging).
  • Coordinate your travel plans with us so we’ll be ready for you.

Mental Health Treatment in Los Angeles is Just One Call Away

It’s Time for Change

Transformations Care is ready to help. You only need enough willingness to pick up the phone. We can help you or the one you love to start to make real progress with their mental health condition. We’ll make certain they receive an accurate diagnosis of any mental health disorders that may be present. Most importantly, we will provide them the well-rounded psychological care they need to live a better, happier life. We’ve got your back and we won’t let you down. All you need to do is make the call and set the wheels in motion.