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Season 2 Episode 1: Daniel | Transformations Recovery Podcast!

On today’s episode Roman and Cecily talk with Daniel Werder, owner of Boartooth Tattoo and RAD Living sober house in Sherman Oaks CA. He is a tattoo artist who has toured the world tattooing, and an OG b-boy break dancer, all thanks to getting sober at 19.

Check out Daniel’s tattoo shop at

Visit the RAD Living sober house website here

“I’m fucking powerless over it. I made the connection when I was fighting with a girlfriend my first year of sobriety. I had been seeing this retaining wall I wanted to tag. And out of nowhere I’m like, I’m gonna go paint that. And like, I didn’t put it together in that moment but… a helicopter came and I ran…. and I got away… it was fuckin’ gnarly. And I got back to the apartment… and I was like, ‘that was me checking out from being upset about this girl.’ And I made that connection. I had been sober a little bit… it’s funny, it’s, like, a long process right? It’s like, not an event, you don’t just get sober and say like, ‘oh man I’m not, like, dealing with feeling upset about a girl I’m fighting with and I’m painting graffiti to escape.’ I actually want to stop doing that to like actually show up for myself.”

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