In season 3 episode 2 of the Transformations Recovery Podcast Roman and Cecily talk with Liz, aka Alex, about the West Virginia pill boom of the mid 2000’s, aliens, and being a young heroin addict and sex worker who made it out alive.
“It went from like- everyone’s doing Oxys and Opanas to like, the market is just stripped. And there’s no Oxys and Opanas anymore and it’s like—what the fuck do you do?” – Liz/Alex
“Shoot heroin.” -Roman and Cecily
“You shoot heroin, obviously. Ha ha. What else would you do? Nothing else fuckin’ mattered. So like, you know fast forward, a few years I’m a senior in high school, you know, and like, I’m shooting heroin. And like that progression was pretty crazy and super fast too.” -Liz/Alex
Dr. Steven M. Greer if you can see this… please make contact.
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